Wellness Services

Perinatal wellness should not end with your midwife or provider! At Snuggle House Foundation, we are dedicated to providing access to affordable perinatal wellness solutions that extend past your average clinic visit. Yoga, body-work, & therapy are just a few wellness solutions that we offer expecting families in the community. You are WHOLE person, and at Snuggle House Foundation, we commit to providing wellness resources that reflect that belief.

Yoga & Movement

Join us on Sunday’s for intentional movement & meditation classes the entire family can enjoy! Yoga & Somatic Movement practices are FREE to those with state insurance! For those that have private insurance, these classess are donation based with a suggested donation amount of $15 per class.

Come unwind and tune into your body during these restorative sessions!

Massage & Bodywork

Bodywork practices such a massage & acupuncture are great ways to ease many common pregnancy & postpartum related discomforts. At Snuggle House Foundation, we offer bodyworrk sessions for those with state-sponsored insurance at NO OUT-OF-POCKET COST! For those with private insurance, bodywork sessions are provided on a sliding-scale basis.

Before booking your service, please ensure you have checked in with your midwife/provider to see if this service is right for you!

Perinatal & Family Therapy

At Snuggle House Foundation, we believe family is the driving force behind all great things, and it is important to nurture and strengthen those connections.

Family Therapy and Counseling are available for you regardless of your family dynamic. For pregnant people with state-insurance, therapy is available to you at NO OUT-OF-POCKET COST! For those with private insurance, we offer sliding scale payment options.