Education lays the foundation for EMPOWERMENT.
Trainings for Birthworkers.
The primary way to ensure BIPOC families have access to safe birthing spaces is to ensure there are birth workers available that identify with their core values, identities, and beliefs. Snuggle House Foundation believes that by increasing the number of BIPOC birth workers available to families, we will decrease the maternal morbidity rate in our community.
Informed Consent.
Knowing how to advocate for yourself and your family is a skill that ALL birthing families should be able to do. Our Informed Consent classes educate families on non confrontational methods to vocalize their thoughts to their provider in birth settings. Being informed on the options available allows families to make decisions they believe to be best for them.
Childbirth Education.
ALL families that we serve are strongly encouraged to take one of our childbirth education classes (even if you’ve attended one from a previous pregnancy). These classes will provide you with the evidence based, current options, treatments, and education on all things childbirth.
Helping Families Navigate Parenthood.
Our “Baby’s here, Now What?!” classes dives into all things parenthood. Our goal with these sessions are to provide families with the tools they need to have the easiest transition in parenthood possible. Here we educate the entire family on common areas such as Breastfeeding, Postpartum Mood Disorders PPMD, Baby Wearing, Diapering ,etc.